Testing for GAA


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Testing; in this day and age of reporting and numbers it’s crucial. Chances are if someone pays you to be a S&C coach you got to test, if I’m honest in a lot of case I’d be happy not to, especially with the younger athletes, I want them enjoying it and making gradual progress, I’m not to concerned how fit a 13 year old is etc. When we get a bit further on in the journey it can be a valuable tool, simply put telling an athlete the area s/he needs to work on in a private environment can be hugely beneficial. It also keeps me as a coach on my toes and the more I do the more I can refine and compare and contrast programs. So far so good with season 2 in our Offaly set ups, some huge progress and some holes in the bucket we need to plug (that will always be the case). If you want to test in your own GAA club, keep it super simple, back up the tests with another one (nothing more annoying for players than they get tested and not retested), keep it consistent (try and get an astro surface or a hall so weather can’t effect you), and give good constructive and fair feedback. Over time you’ll see better results and your players will be a bit clearer on what they need to work on. #strengthtraining #fitness #gaa #offaly #coachhare #strengthandconditioning #hurling #squat #chins #gaelicgames #irishfitfam #bench #cardio #physiotherapy

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